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Who Defeated Android 17 [Expert Review!]

    featured image vivo 2kZGT1KiQ
    Updated on November 19, 2022
    Frank Hayden
    Written by
    Frank Hayden
    James Wyatt
    Edited by
    James Wyatt
    Frank is a mobile specialist who knows all the latest and greatest technologies and mobile phones. He's always up for trying out the newest gadgets and phones and is always on the lookout for the best deals. He's also a big fan of mobile gaming, so you can be sure that he has the latest titles for you to try out.
    If you only got 30 seconds:

    Android 17 was a powerful android created by Dr. Gero. He was designed to be the ultimate killing machine. He was also very fast and had a strong attack.

    One day, Android 17 was fighting against a group of humans. He was very powerful and they were having a hard time fighting against him. Eventually, one of the humans was able to defeat him.


    In Dragon Ball Z, Android 17 was a powerful android created by Dr. Gero. He was always one step behind the other Androids, and often got in trouble with his creator. Eventually, Android 17 was given the task of killing Goku, the hero of the Dragon Ball universe. Android 17 was very skilled in martial arts, and was able to easily defeat Goku in combat. However, Goku was able to use the Kaio-ken technique to increase his power to such a level that Android 17 was defeated.

    goku has beaten many strong opponents in his lifetime but there is one opponent that he has yet to face no

    Who Defeated the Androids 17 and 18

    In an alternate future timeline, Android 18 is a ruthless killer who started a reign of terror along with Android 17 over Earth that lasted for twenty years until they are both killed by adult Trunks. Trunks is the son of the late Goku and Bulma and was born after the events of the battle against Cell. When he was a baby, Android 18 killed both of his parents and he spent the next twenty years training to become the strongest fighter in the world so that he could avenge them. When he finally meets Android 17 and Android 18, he is able to defeat them both with the help of his friends.

    he hits future trunks with a powerful punch breaking his arm

    How Did They Defeat Android 17 and 18

    When the Z Fighters come to help Vegeta, Android 17 takes them on one by one. He hits Future Trunks with a powerful punch, breaking his arm. Vegeta tries to fight back, but is quickly defeated. Android 18 then comes and breaks Android 17’s arm.

    he is capable of defeating even the most skilled fighters and his unique fighting style makes him extremely difficult to defend against

    Can Goku Beat No 17

    Goku has beaten many strong opponents in his lifetime, but there is one opponent that he has yet to face: No. 17. No. 17 is a very powerful fighter, but he has one limitation: he is only able to use the standard Super Saiyan form.

    Goku is a Saiyan with a very powerful transformation known as Super Saiyan Blue. This form is only achievable by those with the strongest wills and the most intense training. Super Saiyan Blue is so powerful that it allows Goku to fight on an even footing with the strongest fighters in the universe.

    No. 17 is a very powerful fighter, but he has one limitation: he is only able to use the standard Super Saiyan form. This form is not as powerful as Super Saiyan Blue, and it would be very difficult for him to fight on an even footing with Goku using only this form.

    Goku has faced many powerful opponents in his lifetime, but No. 17 is the most challenging opponent that he has yet to face. No. 17 is a very powerful fighter, but he has one limitation: he is only able to use the standard Super Saiyan form. If Goku were to use his strongest form, Super Saiyan Blue, No. 17 would have a very difficult time fighting him.

    one of the best ways to do this is to use ranged special attacks from a distance

    Who Defeated Android 19

    Vegeta became a Super Saiyan and easily defeated Android 19. However, 20 had escaped and came up with a new plan. 20 planned to create a new Android that could defeat Vegeta and take over the world. Vegeta was able to defeat 20’s new Android, but it was later destroyed.

    Is Android 17 Stronger Than Goku

    Android 17 may be the strongest fighter in the entire Dragon Ball series, but this is largely unknown to the general public. Android 17 is not often featured in the main storyline, and when he is, he is usually sidelined due to his lack of strength. However, Android 17 is actually a very powerful fighter, and his true potential has not been fully realized.

    Android 17 is a cyborg, and as a result, he has many of the same strengths and weaknesses as a regular human. For example, Android 17 is not immune to damage, and he can be defeated just as easily as any other fighter. However, Android 17 also has the ability to regenerate damaged cells, which makes him extremely difficult to kill.

    Android 17 also has a unique fighting style. Rather than using traditional martial arts techniques, Android 17 relies on powerful blasts of energy from his hands and feet. This unique fighting style makes Android 17 incredibly difficult to defend against, and it is this ability that makes him the strongest fighter in the series.

    Overall, Android 17 is a very powerful fighter, and his true potential has not been fully realized. He is capable of defeating even the most skilled fighters, and his unique fighting style makes him extremely difficult to defend against. Android 17 is the strongest fighter in the Dragon Ball series, and he should be considered one of the most powerful characters in all of fiction.

    How Does Goku Defeat Android 20

    Android 20 is a very powerful opponent and requires a strategic approach to defeat him. One of the best ways to do this is to use ranged special attacks from a distance. After he’s fired his Photon Wave, dodge to the side and immediately use an ability like Special Beam Cannon. Rapid Fire Ki Wave can also deal massive damage to him as well.

    Closing words

    The human who defeated Android 17 was a very skilled fighter. They were able to defeat him because they were able to use their skills to fight against him.

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