To check your current balance, text the word BALANCE to 611611. The text will return a number, which you can use to check your balance online or on your phone. To block or unblock a phone number, text BLOCK or UNBLOCK to 611611. To purchase Service Plans, text the word BUY to 611611.
Before we start
To check your minutes on your Safelink phone, you will need to go to the Menu on your phone and then select “Manage Your Minutes.” You will be given a screen that says “Your Minutes.” On this screen, you will see how many minutes you have left in your current billing cycle.
How Do I Get My Minutes on My Safelink Smartphone
To get minutes on your Safelink phone, you must first press the MENU key. Once on the prepaid options screen, you will see the option to redeem airtime or add airtime. If you have a card number or airtime PIN, you can enter it into the appropriate box and press OK. Once entered, you will be prompted to write down your card number or airtime PIN. Next, you will be asked to enter your five-digit card number. Once entered, you will be asked to enter your four-digit pin. If you have a card with a magnetic strip, you will need to swipe it to enter your pin. Once entered, you will be asked to press OK to finish. If you do not have a card with a magnetic strip, you will need to enter your four-digit pin. Once entered, you will be asked to press OK to finish. Upon completing the process, you will be given your minutes.
How Do You Check Your Minutes on a Government Phone
To check the minutes on your government phone, you need to go to and sign in. Then, on your MyLifeWireless app, you’ll need to click Check Balance. Next, you’ll need to call Customer Service at 1-888-543-3620, or by dialing 611 on your phone.
How Many Minutes Do You Get Free on Safelink Phone
Each unit of SafeLink Phone time equals one (1) inute of use.
You are allotted 350 minutes each month to use, which equals to approximately 16 hours of time.
If you use your SafeLink Phone for an hour, you will have used up one (1) nit of time.
If you use your SafeLink Phone for 30 minutes, you will have used up.5 units of time.
If you use your SafeLink Phone for 10 minutes, you will have used up.1 units of time.
If you use your SafeLink Phone for 5 minutes, you will have used up.02 units of time.
If you use your SafeLink Phone for 1 minute, you will have used up.01 units of time.
How Do I Check My Remaining Minutes on My Tracfone
If you have a Tracfone, you can use the Tracfone My Account App to view your remaining minutes. You can also call 7771 from your Smartphone to check your balance. Text “Balance” to 611611 to get your current airtime balance.
What Is My Safelink Account Number
I am looking for my safelink account number. SafeLink Wireless Account number is the phone’s serial number IMEI or MEID. There’s no passcode, so leave the PIN field blank. Simple Mobile Account number is the last 15 digits of the SIM ID and the passcode is the last 4 digits of the SIM ID.
I found my safelink account number on the back of my phone. It is the serial number (IMEI) r MEID. The last four digits of the SIM ID are the passcode.
What Phone Number Is 866 667 6437
The phone number 866 667 6437 is associated with the company Verizon Wireless. This phone number is a customer service number that is meant for customer assistance. This number can be used to contact Verizon Wireless to ask questions, make complaints, or to order products.
How Do I Add Minutes to Tracfone
To add minutes to your Tracfone device, you can call 1-800-867-7183.
When you call this phone number, you will be guided on adding minutes to your Tracfone device.
You will be required to make payments using a credit or debit card.
You can add minutes to your Tracfone device by calling 1-800-867-7183.
When you call this phone number, you will be guided on adding minutes to your Tracfone device.
6. You will be required to make payments using a credit or debit card.
You can add minutes to your Tracfone device by calling 1-800-867-7183.
When you call this phone number, you will be guided on adding minutes to your Tracfone device.
If you want to check your minutes, text BALANCE to 611611. The text will return a number, which you can use to check your balance online or on your phone. To block or unblock a phone number, text BLOCK or UNBLOCK to 611611. To purchase Service Plans, text the word BUY to 611611.