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Why Is My Old Phone Number Still Active (Real Research)

    featured image samsung 18ZT5HxRpX
    Updated on December 9, 2022
    James Wyatt
    Written by
    James Wyatt
    Frank Hayden
    Edited by
    Frank Hayden
    James is a tech specialist who is passionate about helping others improve their lives through technology. He deeply understands how technology can be used to improve productivity, communication, and organizational efficiency. James is always looking for ways to improve his own skills and knowledge, and he enjoys sharing his knowledge with others.
    If you only got 30 seconds:

    If you change your phone number, the old number is stored on the device. This means that your old number is still active, even if you have a new phone number. This is because the device stores the original number that it was activated with.

    Before we get started

    Most people’s old phone numbers are deactivated when they switch to a new phone. But if you want your old number to stay active, you can either port your number to a new phone, or you can use a service like Call Forwarding or Voice Mail to have your old number forwarded to your new phone.

    a lot has changed since your old phone number was associated with your iphone

    Why Is My Phone Number Still Connected to My Old Phone

    The device stores the original number that it was activated with. So, if you change your phone number, the old directory will still be there.

    if you have an iphone you probably use imessage

    How Do I Unlink My Old Phone Number

    If you want to unlink your old phone number from your Google account, you can do so by going to Settings Google and selecting Personal info. Next to the contact’s phone number, select Delete. You will be prompted to confirm this action, and your phone number will be unlinked from your Google account.

    next to the contacts phone number select delete

    How Long Does It Take for a Phone Number to Be Reassigned

    When a phone number is reassigned, service providers are required to regularly report the permanent number disconnection to the Commission. This report must include the date of disconnection, the new number assigned to the number, and the name of the customer account holder. The service provider must wait 45 days before reassigning the disconnected number to a new user.

    This regulation is designed to reduce the number of unwanted and intrusive calls intended for a phone number’s previous owner. Reassignment prevents the number from being used by unauthorized individuals, and reduces the amount of time that the number is available for callers. By following these guidelines, service providers can help protect the privacy of their customers and reduce the number of nuisance calls.

    the device stores the original number that it was activated with

    Why Is My Iphone Still Showing My Old Number

    A lot has changed since your old phone number was associated with your iphone. For example, your old phone number may no longer be in use, or it may have been changed. If your old phone number is no longer associated with your iphone, then you’ll need to change it in order for it to work with Messages.

    To change your phone number in Settings, go to Phone > My Number and enter the new number. If the number doesn’t work, try changing it to a different number. If that still doesn’t work, try turning off and then on Messages again.

    when a phone number is reassigned service providers are required to regularly report the permanent number disconnection to the commission

    Is Imessage Tied to Phone Number

    If you have an iPhone, you probably use iMessage. iMessage is a messaging app that you can use to text other people. When you text someone, iMessage will use their phone number to send the text. But if you want to text someone without their phone number, you can use their email address. If you are logged into your Apple ID, iMessage will use your registered email address as a means of presenting yourself to contacts.

    To sum it all up

    If you want to stop receiving calls from your old phone number, you will have to change your number. You can do this by going to your phone’s settings and changing your phone number.

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