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Why Does My Android Phone Stop Charging at 80 (Pictures!)

    featured image samsung 17gwZ7ebCU
    Updated on September 22, 2022
    Frank Hayden
    Written by
    Frank Hayden
    James Wyatt
    Edited by
    James Wyatt
    Frank is a mobile specialist who knows all the latest and greatest technologies and mobile phones. He's always up for trying out the newest gadgets and phones and is always on the lookout for the best deals. He's also a big fan of mobile gaming, so you can be sure that he has the latest titles for you to try out.
    If you only got 30 seconds:

    Android phones use a lithium ion battery. When the battery is almost depleted, the phone will stop charging. This usually happens when the battery is around 80% or less. There are a few things that can cause the battery to drain faster, like using the phone constantly while it is plugged in or using a battery saver mode.

    Before we get started

    Some phones, like the iPhone, use a lithium ion battery. When the battery is almost depleted, the phone will stop charging. The iPhone will still work, but the battery will not be able to hold a charge for very long.

    if you are using a charger make sure that the charger is properly plugged into an outlet and that the cord is not broken or frayed

    Why Is My Phone Stuck at 80 Percent When Charging

    Your iPhone is trying to conserve battery life by slowing down how quickly it charges. Sometimes, this can cause your phone to charge all the way, but other times it might get stuck at 80%. This is done to prevent your phone from overstressing the battery, which can lead to it breaking down more quickly.

    open the settings app on your iphone and scroll down to select battery

    Why Does My Android Phone Stop Charging at 85

    When your Galaxy device reaches 85% battery life, it will stop charging unless you enable the Protect battery setting within your Battery & device care settings. This setting will prevent your Galaxy device from shutting down if it falls below a certain percentage of battery life.

    the battery might be reaching its end of life

    Why Is My Phone Not Charging Up to 100 Percent

    One of the most common reasons why phones do not charge up to 100 percent is because of a faulty or defective charging cable or adapter. If you are using a USB cable, make sure that it is of the correct length and that the connector is properly connected to the phone and the USB port on the computer. If you are using a charger, make sure that the charger is properly plugged into an outlet and that the cord is not broken or frayed. Additionally, if your phone is not charging normally or if it is charging slowly, it may be because of an inappropriate power source. Make sure that your phone is plugged into the correct outlet and that the wall outlet is properly grounded. Finally, if your phone is experiencing charging problems due to a software crash, you can try restarting your phone or clearing the cache and history on your phone.

    this setting will prevent your galaxy device from shutting down if it falls below a certain percentage of battery life

    How Do I Turn Off Optimized Battery Charging

    1. Open the Settings app on your iPhone and scroll down to select Battery.

    2. Tap Battery Health.

    3. On the Battery Health page, you can see how healthy your battery is.

    4. To enable or disable OBC, tap the toggle switch labeled Optimized Battery Charging.

    5. If you want to turn off OBC completely, uncheck the box labeled Optimized Battery Charging.

    6. If you want to turn on OBC only when your battery is low, check the box labeled Optimized Battery Charging When Low.

    7. If you want to turn off OBC completely and always use the standard battery charging rate, uncheck both the boxes labeled Optimized Battery Charging and When Low.

    when your phone stops charging randomly it could be due to a clogged charging port

    Why Is My Phone Not Charging Above 70

    1. The battery might be reaching its end of life.

    2. You can find batteries online or at some retailers.

    3. It might also need recalibration.

    4. The phone might not be charging above 70 because the battery is reaching its end of life.

    5. You can recalibrate the battery to charge it better.

    6. If the battery is still not charging above 70, it might need to be replaced.

    7. If the battery is not charging above 70, it might need to be recalibrated.

    your iphone is trying to conserve battery life by slowing down how quickly it charges

    Why Does My Phone Stop Charging Randomly

    When your phone stops charging randomly, it could be due to a clogged charging port. If the port is clogged with dirt, dust, or debris, the charging cable won’t be able to connect properly with the charging contacts inside the port, and your phone won’t be able to charge. To clean the charging port, you’ll need to remove the battery and the charging cable, and use a vacuum cleaner to clean out the port. Make sure to replace the battery and charging cable once they’re clean, and your phone should start charging properly again.

    your phone s battery is designed to work best when it s kept at a certain temperature

    Why Does My Phone Stop Charging at 88

    Your phone’s battery is designed to work best when it’s kept at a certain temperature. If it gets too hot, the battery can’t hold as much power and it’ll start to lose its lifespan. iOS can limit how much power your phone charges to, depending on how hot the battery is getting.

    The bottom line

    If you are using your phone constantly and it is plugged in most of the time, your battery may be drained faster because it is using more power. If you want to save your battery, try to unplug your phone when you aren’t using it and plug it back in when you need to use it.

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