Primary account holders cannot view the text messages on T-Mobile. But if they know the account credentials or sign up for family allowance, they will have access to text messages. If the primary account holder signs up for family allowance, they will receive a text message asking them to input their phone number and password. Once they input this information, they will have full access to their text messages.
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The primary account holder can view text messages on their phone, but they may not be able to reply to them.
Can You Get Text Message Records
Companies are not allowed to produce text message records without a court order or subpoena. A court order or subpoena can be obtained from the service provider to get the records.
Can My Mom See My Texts At&t
Your mom can see the date, time, and phone number of incoming text messages, but the contents of the messages are not viewable.
How Can I Read My Wifes Text Messages on Verizon
To read your wife’s text messages on Verizon, you will need to install the Verizon app on her current mobile device and log in. Once logged in, you can view her messages in the My Usage Menu.
How Do You Get a Printout of Text Messages
You can print out text messages on your Android phone by capturing a screenshot and sharing it with the cloud printer. This will send the screenshot to the printer for printing. To do this, first find the text message you want to print and then capture a screenshot of the conversation. Next, open the cloud printer and send the screenshot to the printer.
Can My Ex See My Text Messages Iphone
If you have an iPhone, your messages are stored on the phone itself and are not backed up to iCloud. If your phone is lost or stolen, then your messages are gone forever. If you want to keep your messages private, you should backup your phone to iCloud. This way, if your phone is lost or stolen, someone else cannot access your messages without knowing the password or encryption code.
Can I View My Childs Text Messages At&t
Parents can use AT&T Smart Limits, My Mobile Watchdog and Mobile Spy to set limits on their child’s phone usage and view the contents of each text message sent to the phone. These features allow parents to set daily, weekly, or monthly usage limits, and to view the contents of all text messages and phone calls.
How Do I Get Text Transcripts From At&t
AT&T Messages is a messaging service that allows users to communicate with friends and family. The service is available on smartphones and other devices. Users can view their text history grouped by conversation for up to 90 days. Additionally, users can verify that their smartphone supports AT&T Messages Backup and Sync.
The bottom line
If the primary account holder signs up for family allowance, they will receive a text message asking them to input their phone number and password. Once they input this information, they will have full access to their text messages.